Well, it’s the time of year that we are all encouraged to stop (or at least slow down enough to think) and consider what we’re thankful for. Here at Gravity Jack, that’s a lot to ask. We have so much to be thankful and excited for, that, well…to be honest, we can’t really put it in to words.
When our company started, two years ago, we were 5 employees strong, with a vision of bringing augmented reality (AR) in to everyday life. Now, with a bit of experience, and a much bigger staff, that vision has only been strengthened and further defined. It’s no longer just a vision, either; in those two years, that vision has become a true reality.
We’d like to think that it was all done, thanks to our badass CEO, our classy and organized COO, our genius director of development, our visionary creative director, our charismatic sales staff, our lifeline of an executive assistant, and our elite backbone of the best developers in the world…and for a significant portion, it is. The truth is, however, that if we’re honest with ourselves, we would not have the opportunities we’ve experienced this year, without a lot of other people. People like Steve Jobs, leading technology to a place where this kind of vision is possible. People like our families who, in their dedication, support us in our dedication. People like you; the fans of both augmented reality and a company who seeks to push the envelope of what’s expected. Ultimately, we can’t forget the big guy upstairs who has continuously handed us epic win, after epic win.
It’s a team effort, and the team is far bigger than just the list in payroll. So, we here at Gravity Jack would like to take a second to thank you for all the support, and express our excitement for what, this time next year, we’ll be able to add to the list. If you find yourself here in the states this weekend, enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, and know that while we might be the most powerful, good-looking, humble, and all-around awesome company the world has ever seen…we’re thankful for the support.
We leave you with this photo, expressing our thanks:
– Jack
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