Augmented Reality is just a step towards ubiquitous computing. Something I have literally been dreaming about since I was a kid. Computers are devices now – but eventually they will be a part of what we wear, and eventually they will be a part of what everyone wears in community computing. Better than a cloud, better than crowd computing, community computing is where knowledge is dumped from someone else’s vision feed into your own intelligently.
Really briefly it looks like this in terms of progression:
1) Augmented Reality (AR) is used with viewports like the iPhone and early adopters use it for some pretty cool stuff
2) AR comes to some not so heavy glasses that you can wear, but soon they come to contacts that you can wear and everyone has to have them just to function.
3) All this info and devices become networked and you literally become part of a mesh network of information that as you walk around is shared with others and their augmented vision. You want to know what is around the corner? Fast forward using gesture control to what the person in front of you just saw (this is just an example) it is mind blowing where this will go. Artificial intelligence will exist in a form we didn’t even think off – via group think.
3) All your clothes have built in computing fabric that is an open standard. You literally wear your computer and direct biological links insert field of view information into your retina’s (and eventually just directly into your brain)
Why did I write all this? Because there are several key first steps that have to take place. One of them is gyro power – where we generate power based on what we are already doing so motion isn’t just wasted on the actual result we intended. What I mean by that is when I walk I intend to walk somewhere, but what if not only did I arrive there but I re-harnessed the power of my walk and stored it.
VIA: Gizmag
Engineers from Princeton University have developed power-generating rubber films that could be used to harness natural body movements such as breathing or walking in order to power electronic devices such as pacemakers or mobile phones. The material, which is composed of ceramic nanoribbons embedded onto silicone rubber sheets, generates electricity when flexed and is highly efficient at converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Its developers say shoes made of the material could harvest the pounding of walking or running to power mobile electrical devices and, when placed against the lungs, sheets of the material could use the raising and falling breathing motions of the chest to power pacemakers. This would negate the current need for surgical replacement of the batteries which power the devices.
Plus, because the silicone is biocompatible and is already used for cosmetic implants and medical devices, “the new electricity-harvesting devices could be implanted in the body to perpetually power medical devices, and the body wouldn’t reject them,” said Michael McAlpine, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, at Princeton, who led the project to develop the material.
To produce the material the researchers first fabricated lead zirconate titanate (PZT) nanoribbons in strips so narrow that 100 fit side by side in a space of a millimeter. PZT is a ceramic material that is piezoelectric, meaning it generates an electrical voltage when pressure is applied to it. Of all piezoelectric materials, PZT is the most efficient, able to convert 80% of the mechanical energy applied to it into electrical energy.
“PZT is 100 times more efficient than quartz, another piezoelectric material,” said McAlpine. “You don’t generate that much power from walking or breathing, so you want to harness it as efficiently as possible.”
In a separate process, the team then embedded these ribbons into clear sheets of silicone rubber, creating what they call “piezo-rubber chips.†The Princeton team is the first to successfully combine silicone and nanoribbons of PZT.
In addition to generating electricity when it is flexed, the opposite is true: the material flexes when electrical current is applied to it. This opens the door to other kinds of applications, such as use for microsurgical devices, McAlpine said.
“The beauty of this is that it’s scalable,” said Yi Qi, a postdoctoral researcher who works with McAlpine. “As we get better at making these chips, we’ll be able to make larger and larger sheets of them that will harvest more energy.”
Onward to the future!
The Emerging Market of WebAR
As explained in a previous blog, WebAR (Web-based Augmented Reality) is an exciting new...